What is presbyopia ?

If you wear double-focus glasses, close-up lenses or progressive lenses you are presbyopic. Surgery can help you in a lot of cases (00144).

The eye is an optical system comparable to a video camera in which images are to be properly focused by the lens (including the main lenses are the cornea and the lens) on the sensitive film (the retina) to be seen with Sharpened and analyzed by the brain.

Presbyopia is the loss of accommodation that is the adjustment, between far vision and near vision, allowed by the intraocular muscles acting on the lens.

Presbyopia occurs from about 40 years. It becomes necessary to move away the text to be read, then the vision of the details (reading the fine print) becomes impossible without a suitable correction. It increases in about 15 years to require at its outcome a value of about 3 diopters.

Presbyopia is the first visual defect in the world. It is a peculiarity of the richest countries where the life span is long, that is why presbyopia assumes a considerable importance since one will spend more time presbyopic than non-presbyopic.

Presbyopia is the first visual defect in the world. It is a peculiarity of the richest countries where the life span is long.

Article from the site http://www.cliniquedelavision.com